Creating an Incredible Retirement


I talk to a lot of people about retirement.  Some people view the word retirement negatively, in that it represents a time of ending or stopping something, whereas I have always viewed retirement as a time of new beginnings.  No-one has done this better than Alfiero Neri.

Alfiero is Italian born and moved to Australia when he was 11.  He married an Australian lady and has had 3 beautiful children.  In 1986, when Alfiero’s wife was pregnant with their 3rd child, they sold everything they owned and relocated to Italy, initially staying with family until they were able to find somewhere to live.  They stayed for 11 years before moving back to Australia.

During Alfiero’s working life, he worked in Financial Services, ran his own business selling wholesale giftware to retail shops out of the back of his EH Holden station wagon, owned a restaurant in Brighton and built a large wholesaling business.  Over 15 years, Alfiero built up a business with a few guys working for him selling globes wholesale and when they began to retire, he started thinking about his own future and his own bucket list.

At 63, Alfiero figured out a way to fulfil his bucket list, while helping others fulfil theirs.  He and his wife went to Tuscany to set up contacts and conduct research and they started “My Tuscan Tour”.

“My Tuscan Tour” takes groups of 4-8 on a 10 day tour through Tuscany.  He takes up to 7 trips in Spring, between April and mid-July and up to 4 trips from end of September to mid-November, plus 2 in winter by request only.  Alfiero is passionate about creating a wonderful experience for you.  He has an itinerary but will tailor the trip for you if you like.  Alfiero’s tours are designed to give you access to a piece of Italy that would otherwise not be accessible to the general public.

I could listen for hours as Alfiero describes his beloved Italy, from the Piazza del Duomo to the underground city at Orvieto and Arezzo and Siena and on and on…

Alfiero is semi-retired.  While he makes a small amount from his tours, he has achieved financial independence and doesn’t do it for the money.  He does it for the love of Italy, for the love of Tuscany and the love of the people he can show his beloved Italy to.

For more information on how you can be Alfiero’s guests in Tuscany visit

Learn more about how we can work together to secure your retirement dream.


Financial Planning so you can eat cake


Moving from Retirement to Financial Freedom